The Congress - #realyou online
25-26 September 2021.

Register and download the app here:
What is AMiCUS?
#AMiCUS seeks to meet the spiritual, intellectual, and social needs of Seventh-day Adventist students on secular campuses worldwide.
#AMiCUS is a place to: ENCOUNTER JESUS. We aim to help students connect with Jesus and grow in a closer relationship with Him.
THINK. We encourage students to develop an inquisitive mind and to think for themselves.
CONNECT. We endeavour to connect students with their fellow human beings, their church and their community.
BE. We seek to aid students become the best human being they can be.
ACT. We call students to be proactive in making a positive impact on people's lives and in their community, and in discovering their sense of mission.
Thursday, 23 September 2021
#realrelationships with Belinda É. Samari
Response groups in this session:
- Conversation (several to choose from)
- Go Deeper with Belinda É. Samari (Serbia) and Tihi Lazic (UK)
- Personal Devotion, with Annika Looser-Grönroos (Switzerland)
- Art, with Winston Adom (Italy)
Friday, 24 September 2021
#realhope with Daniel Bosqued
Response groups in this session:
- Conversation (several to choose from)
- Go Deeper with Laurentiu Mot (Romania)
- Personal Devotion, with Annika Looser-Grönroos (Switzerland)
- Art, with Winston Adom (Italy)
- Worship, with Lucie and Martin Pavlik (Czech Republic)
Saturday, 25 September 2021
#realjesus with Dorothea Relić
Response groups in this session:
- Conversation (several to choose from)
- Go Deeper with Gilbert Cangy (Australia)
- Personal Devotion, with Annika Looser-Grönroos (Switzerland)
- Art, with Winston Adom (Italy)
- Take Action, with Álvaro Doladé (Spain)
On Friday, we also have a couple of extra activities, for those youth and students wanting a bit more:
#REALTALKS: Q&A SESSION (Friday at 11:00 CEST)
This is the place for youth and students to ask all the questions about faith they’d like to some experienced panelists.
We’re finishing the details for this one!
Want to meet people from other countries? This is the place to do it!
This is how it works. You will go into the room, and be assigned 3 other attendees randomly. You will have a few minutes to talk and then you will be switched over to another room to meet three new people. That way you get to hang out with everyone who registered!
And we have prepared a few icebreakers to help you get to know each other!
One of the goals of this Congress is to help youth and students make new connections with people across Europe and the world. That is why we have invested in a Congress app, to facilitate interaction. In order to motivate youth and students to engage, we are offering some pretty juicy giveaways in a couple of contests. Here is the info participants need to know:
We really appreciate all the time you put in to engage with other participants within this app. So as a thank you for your interaction and your help in creating a nice atmosphere within the app, we have the following prizes for the three most active members in this community:
First prize:
Choose between 1) The Arise Online Discipleship Course (valued in 500 USD) OR 2) 500 EUR for a missionary trip of your choice.
Second prize:
A free participant ticket for the European Adventist Youth Congress in Finland in 2022.
Third prize:
A kit of Bible Study Resources by EUD Youth Ministries Department.
A picture is worth a thousand words, or so they say. So, we want you to speak to us about the three AMiCUS Congress topics through your photos. In order to do this, we are launching the AMiCUS Congress Photo contest.
For each photo you make, please add the relevant topic (#realrelationships, #realhope or #realjesus) so we know what topic you are referring to.
The three pictures that receive the most votes will receive the following prizes:
First prize: 100 EUR
Second prize: 50 EUR
Third prize: 30 EUR
Within the app, it is really easy to set up a public meeting with other participants. You can set a date, time and topic, and invite everyone else to hang out with you in a virtual room set up in the app. We encourage youth to make use of it and make new friends!
You simply need to go to Community > Meet-ups & Virtual Meets, click on Suggest a Meet and follow the steps. Whova allows you to create a virtual meeting room for up to 30 people!
To know if there are any meet-ups planned, go to the same place: Community > Meet-ups & Virtual Meets. Make sure you RSVP so people know you plan to show up.