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Oshkosh 2014 announcement

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Spirit of the Flame - 70 days following the Olympic Torch
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DAY 60

Day 60:
Today, the Olympic Torch ended its day in Hastings. Famous for the battle on 14 October 1066, it is imaginatively known as "the battle of Hastings".

On that day in history, the Normans, under Duke William II of Normandy, beat the English, lead by King Harold II. It is notable because it is the last time England was defeated on its own soil by an invading country. And consequently, as the Normans spoke French, within time French words started slipping into the English language.

Duke William II of Normandy was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066.

It would be a quick link for me to now talk about a spiritual battle that has been going on since mankind was put on this earth. So why not?

My life goes through times when it feels like things are going against me. That there is a battle going on. A Pastor is not exempt from temptations and afflictions! I am very much aware of the spiritual battle going on to pull me away from my time with and faith in God. And it is easy to feel defeated by other decisions that have to be made.

1 Samuel 17:47 (NIV)
"All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands."

David was a young man, short, but full of the boldness of his faith in God. In front of his brothers, the Israelite army, and King Saul, who stood head and shoulders above all the other Israelites (but that's another lesson!), David taunted the taunter, and he taunted the taunters battle strong warriors.

David's message was simple; it matters not what the threat is, the battle belongs to God. He will give me the victory.

What a wonderful outcome of putting your faith in God. God will give you victory in your battles. If that is the criterion, and the outcome, what have you done to maintain your faith in God today? How are your facing your battles? Have you spent time enough with God so you can face every battle with confidence?

David still had to face his giant, but God promised the victory. And I believe God offers the same victory to everyone today. The good thing is, you don't have to learn French to be on the winning side!

-Pr Nathan Stickland



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