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DAY 36

Twice today I have heard reference to the same story. Once in a sermon I heard, and once in conversation this evening. 

The story is when Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say I am?" ((Mark 8:27-29))

The response the disciples gave was, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets."

Then Jesus asked them, "But who do you say I am?" Peter, always quick to jump in, answered, "You are the Messiah, Christ, the Anointed One."

On driving home this evening I was pondering on this. Why did some say Jesus was John, Elijah, or another prophet, and a disciple say Jesus is the Messiah?

In Matthew's gospel account it is recorded that Jesus says Peter knew the answer not because someone told him, but because God the Father revealed it to him. 

I want to suggest something here; Peter knew who Jesus is because he spent time with Jesus; Peter lived with Jesus daily. The others didn't know who Jesus is because they weren't with Jesus very much, or maybe not at all.

As we consider ways of being in the presence of God, I think this story holds one of the keys. We won't get who Jesus is unless we live with Jesus. God isn't someone we visit, but someone who accompanies us. 

Who do you say Jesus is? Not sure? Pray, speak to God, and ask Him to accompany you this coming week, and the week after. Always. And renew that invitation daily. And daily ask yourself, "Today, who do I say Jesus is?"

-Pr Nathan Stickland



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