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Adventist Youth in the United Kingdom and Ireland


Oshkosh 2014 announcement

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Spirit of the Flame - 70 days following the Olympic Torch
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DAY 19

The Olympic torch moved from one country to another today, between The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

A friend of mine faces being sent from one country to another.

Joseph was sold by his brothers to travellers and taken to another country. The brothers then made out he was dead. Joseph established Egypt at a nation of provisions. His brothers came to him asking for food, without knowing he was their brother. He revealed himself. They lived happily ever after.

Before the reveal Joseph dismissed the Egyptian courtiers. "Leave my presence," he said. Then Joseph made himself known to his brothers. (Genesis 45:1). His brothers were "terrified at his presence." They realised the authority Joseph had over them.

As we seek to be in God's presence, what do we need to dismiss from around us in order for God to reveal Himself to us? What alien distractions can we do without? If we want to move from an earthly kingdom to a heavenly kingdom, shouldn't we make a point of shutting all other things out, and having some "me-and-God" time?

-Pr Nathan Stickland



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