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DAY 12

I went out for a walk this evening with my brothers. We try to meet up and go out, about once a month. We are in contact in between, but it's a time for just us guys. This time we did not go to the golf driving range, or 10 pin bowling, but we made use of the lovely evening. Anyway, you get more time for conversation when you are walking. Taking turns to swing at a golf ball or bowl a ball is an interruption for conversation.

It has reminded me of a time when Jesus' disciples were following him along the road. They were discussing who was going to be the most important in the "new kingdom". When they got to their destination they were caught out when Jesus asked them what they were arguing about as they walked along the road (Mark 9:33-37).

They were embarrassed, and they kept quiet. But Jesus, knowing what had been the point of discussion, used a child for an illustration. Matthew records the incident as a reference to being humble: to be the greatest you need to be humble. Mark and Luke record the occasion as one of acceptance and servanthood. That if you want to be the greatest, you must welcome the children, the "less important people", and serve others rather than expect to be served upon. Do these things, and you will be great in the kingdom of heaven.

The kingdom of heaven is a place of dwelling for the presence of God. If we are all seeking the presence of God in our lives, then one key is to be humble, and seek to serve others, even those we consider less significant.

It's time to seek the presence of God, it's time to humble ourselves and serve others.

-Pr Nathan Stickland



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